Our Team

Dan Strole
Certified Environmental Consultant SW Michigan
11 years Extensive well/septic evaluation and water quality background, Michigan EGLE S-5 Public Water Supply Operator certification
Matthew Strole
Owner/Certified Environmental Consultant SW Michigan
35 years Extensive public agent and private consultant well/septic evaluation and water quality background, Michigan EGLE Microbiology/Wet Chemistry Lab and S-5 Public Water Supply Operator certification

Once a client hires Enviroappraisal LLC and an appointment for service is scheduled, the following steps are conducted:
1. FOIA record request-any records will be reviewed from the local health department that the property is located in. There is no cost for this step.
2. Access to the property-Enviroappraisal LLC is an affiliate member of GKAR and BCAAR and carry Sentrilock cards and SUPRA for SW MI, so access is no problem. If the property is secured by a different type of keybox, the simple step of sharing the code or arranging to open the property is needed.
3. Power-the property needs power to run the well for well and septic or well only evaluations. In cases with no power, we have abilities to provide a generator for running the well pump., if needed.
4. The evaluation is conducted-If, during a septic, well or septic/well evaluation, it is necessary to pump the septic tank or chlorinate the well, Enviroappraisal LLC has many septic pumping and well drilling companies standing by in 12 SW MI counties who are ready for same day or next day service and appreciate the opportunity to serve clients. Their price is lower than that of evaluators with pumping trucks who do not pump as often, plus the local trades can continue existing in our community, which supports and strengthens our local economy. NOTE: There is no 3-year rule requiring pumping of tanks, all tanks should be accessed, as usage and occupancy affect every tank differently. If a tank truly needs pumping, Enviroappraisal LLC will ensure that it is done to cover all liabilities. If an evaluator is requiring a tank be pumped if it has not been pumped in 3 years, they are not fairly accessing the occupant and usage situation, just making money off the client. Example would be the 80-year old widowed snowbird who lives in Fla. 6 months a year. Another fact is that most systems are located within 2 feet of the surface of the ground and a large piece of equipment is not necessary to uncover the septic system, in most cases. A shovel, auger, probe, digital cameras, 34 years of experience and thousands of successful evaluations leaves alot less impact on the property than any excavation equipment. Also, ensure any company using heavy equipment has the minimum insurances or you are at serious risk. Enviroappraisal LLC only uses subcontractors with appropriate insurance.
5. Report generation-once the septic and/or well evaluation is completed, the water results returned and any septic and/or well maintenance and follow-up sampling are completed, reports will be generated and distributed. These are very thorough and complete reports including any maintenance suggestions and historical documentation. Turnaround times are very rapid with Enviroappraisal LLC, typically 2-3 business days.
6. Community resource-Enviroappraisal LLC stands alone as the most experienced private well/septic system evaluator existing today, with more public agent and private evaluation experience than any other company. Enviroappraisal LLC is supported by the local health departments, local trades and a large contingency of brokers and realtors and is growing daily. Enviroappraisal LLC welcomes fielding any questions concerning environmental issues involving these areas and is thrilled to be a community resource.
7. Peace of mind-A client is asssured that when the property purchase or sale is completed, all party's liabilities have been explained and understood. As a former 10-year government agent and a long-term private evaluator, I have never failed a legal or mortage underwriter scrutiny. Enviroappraisal LLC's main goal is to protect all party's liabilities and report accurate data for fair diligence.